Tuesday 23 May 2017

Colour and Heat Absorption with Quinto: By Elena

Elena did this experiment this week with her Quinto classes.  Bottles painted different colours and filled with water heat up differently in the sunlight.  Some colours like black absorb more radiant heat from the sun than other colours like white and clear plastic.  You can actually feel the difference if you put your hands into the cups after an hour in the sun.  Elena's classes measured the temperature increases and compared them to their predictions.
Experiment Teaching notes and worksheet P5

La temperatura de inicio fue 26 grados y a los 30 min medimos otra vez.  Algunos subieron la temperatura hasta 6-7 grados.  Despues medimos a la hora.  Antes de medir la temperature estuvemos haciendo predicciones para ver que envaso iba a estar mas caliente.

Elena did this with Quinto classes, but once the activity is over, it is nice to leave the pots of water out for the other children to put their hands into and feel the difference.  I did this as a lunchtime science activity for the younger children and nearly everyone in primary had a go.

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