Tuesday 18 April 2017

Inspiración del Rincón de Experimentos en Infantil 5 Años

La profesora de mi hijo ha introducido un rincón de experimentos en su aula en infantil 5 años.  Estaba encantado y vino a casa exigendo materiales para hacer su propio investigación en casa.  Aquí es lo que hizo:

Measuring the masses of the water every day or two was easy and over a week or two, each child could take a measurement.  For a class investigation each table could choose a different location for their container of water so you will have more lines to plot on the graph.

In our home experiment, D had to put the scales on the graph, including counting in x10 for the mass, then we helped him to plot his results to compare the outside and inside water containers.

This type of activity could be done in class if the teacher helps the students to do a graph as a group.  D needed a help to write out the scales but the basic graph could be prepared by the teacher before the activity.  Get the students to plot one point each onto the big graph.

This experiment requires identical plastic containers and a balance.

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